Collaborating with suppliers

Supplier and supply chain overview

Ontario Power Generation (OPG) operates nuclear, thermal, and renewable generating assets, such as hydroelectric and solar power facilities. Our Supply Chain develops strategic relationships with suppliers who can meet our price, quality, delivery, and service level requirements.

In business dealings with OPG, suppliers are expected to ensure full compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct, and act with integrity, adhere to our high standards of ethical behaviour, and operate in the best interests of our company.

Supply Chain manages strategic and high-profile commodities and services on a global, regional, and/or local basis. In addition to the commercial process, Supply Chain manages systems, processes, and procedures throughout the supply chain company-wide.

Workers inspecting calandria tubes

Supplier Code of Conduct

Safety, Integrity, Excellence, People & Citizenship – our ethical values and fundamental truths that don’t change.

Employees in coveralls reviewing documents in meeting around a table.

Code of Business Conduct

Our values clarify what is important to OPG and our behaviours helps us continue to be Ontario’s clean energy generator.

Questions about Supplier Code of Conduct

Explore the Supplier Code of Conduct in detail.

OPG’s Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the standard of business behaviour expected of our suppliers – to act with honesty and integrity, guided by ethical values. Suppliers must comply with both the spirit and intent of the Supplier Code.

The Supplier Code is comprised of three sections: Introduction, Values, and Standards of Business Conduct, and also outlines OPG’s expectations regarding code compliance, reporting, declaration of conflicts of interest, and rules around gift giving and entertainment.

All OPG suppliers, including their owners, employees, agents, partners, and sub-contractors who provide goods and/or services to OPG must follow the Supplier Code.

The Supplier Code was approved by the Board of Directors in November 2015, went into effect Jan. 1, 2016, and was further amended by the board in March 2017 to provide clarity on the disclosure of conflicts of interest, approval requirements for disclosing sensitive information and procurement practices.

The Supplier Code is reviewed every three years at a minimum.

Ethical business conduct by employees, suppliers, consultants, contractors, and business partners is critical to our operations. The Supplier Code holds our suppliers to the same high standards that we expect of our employees, and ensures suppliers conducting business with OPG do so in a manner that aligns with our values and corporate governance.

The Supplier Code and Code of Business Conduct are OPG standards (OPG-STD-0141) that take their authority from the Code of Business Conduct Policy The policy states OPG’s commitment to being an ethical company and outlines requirements and accountabilities. The policy is reviewed annually and was approved by the OPG Board of Directors in March 2017.

Safety, integrity, excellence, people and citizenship are the ethical values that clarify what is important in our organization.They guide our behaviour and decision-making. These principles inform the standards of business behaviour that we expect of our employees and of our suppliers.

The business conduct expected of suppliers is found in the Supplier Code and the business conduct expected of our employees is contained in the Code of Business Conduct.

Prior to Jan. 1, 2016, suppliers with active contracts were notified through an email communication from the Chief Supply Officer introducing the Supplier Code.

New contracts issued after Dec. 31, 2015, incorporate the obligation to comply with the Supplier Code as part of the contract Terms & Conditions.

ARIBA-enabled suppliers with existing contracts with OPG will be prompted by the system for acknowledgement of compliance with the Supplier Code.

Failure to comply with the Supplier Code may result in suspension or termination, in whole or in part, of the supplier’s agreement(s) with OPG and may include removal of the supplier from OPG’s vendor list.

OPG’s Supplier Code states suppliers must not try to gain improper advantage or improperly impact an OPG employee’s ability to make sound, impartial, and objective decisions on behalf of OPG. Suppliers must disclose in writing to the OPG contract owner and/or Chief Ethics Officer any situation that appears to conflict, or could potentially conflict, in any way, with the interests of OPG. This includes situations where an OPG employee has an interest in, or non-arm’s length relationship, to the supplier’s business.

It is mandatory for suppliers to declare to the manager of their OPG contract owner and the Chief Ethics Officer any actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest in writing. To make a declaration see the form Supplier Code of Conduct Declaration of Conflict of Interest or Potential/Perceived Conflict of Interest.

Suppliers must never offer, ask for, give or receive any gift, gratuity, entertainment, hospitality, or benefit that may compromise or appear to compromise an OPG employee’s ability to make business decisions in the best interest of OPG. If a supplier is unsure whether a gift or entertainment offer complies with the Supplier Code and/or the Code of Business Conduct, the supplier should consult with the intended recipient’s manager. OPG expects suppliers to maintain appropriate records of any gifts or entertainment offered or provided to OPG employees.

Suppliers must not disclose OPG sensitive information, except as required by law, to anyone outside OPG, without prior approval. Suppliers must not use OPG sensitive information for any improper purpose. This applies even after the supplier’s contract is complete or has expired.

For potential new suppliers, learn more on Becoming a Supplier.

For suppliers with existing OPG contracts, contact your OPG contract owner counterpart or Supply Chain commercial contact (i.e. purchasing agent/buyer).

How to report a suspected violation of the Supplier Code or Code of Business Conduct

Suppliers who violate the Supplier Code or the Code of Business Conduct, or who are aware of conduct by others that violates or appears to violate the Supplier Code or the Code of Business Conduct must report it to the OPG Ethics Office using the form below.

Employees who violate the Code of Business Conduct or who are aware of conduct by others that violates or appears to violate the Supplier Code or the Code of Business Conduct must report it to their supervisor/manager; their HR business partner; or the OPG Ethics Office using the form below.

Anonymously reporting Code and Supplier Code violations

Individuals may anonymously report concerns related to Code violations through OPG’s Anonymous Ethics Reporting Portal hosted by i-Sight. The Anonymous Ethics Reporting Portal provides a secure third-party reporting system and can also be reached by calling 1-800-693-0278.

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Fighting against forced labour in supply chains

Read about steps OPG has taken to prevent and reduce the risk of forced labour and child labour in its business and supply chain in this 2023 annual report.

En français (PDF)

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