Ontario’s electricity system in :60

Accent: zuegn1i4xckq

Confused by Ontario’s electricity system?

You don’t have to be. It’s as simple as three key parts:

  1. The generators like us, Ontario Power Generation, who produce the power

  2. The transmitter, Hydro One, who gets the power from the generating plants and delivers it to local distributors

  3. The local distributors, like Sudbury hydro or Milton hydro, who deliver power straight to homes, schools and businesses

Learn more as we break it down in this 60-second video.

Accent: 8ho3ktcia1rq

Did you know?

0 50
of Ontario's power is generated by OPG

0 60
of Ontario's power is produced by nuclear stations

manages Ontario's power system, balancing supply & demand

0 27005
megawatts is Ontario's record electricity demand set on Aug. 1, 2006

Accent: nlqykatjz263

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