June 20, 2023
8 min read

Nuclear Waste Management Facility Performance Report - Q1 2023 Results

Accent: 6es7a9w8iq3f

Performance update

As part of our commitment to keep you informed, this report tracks performance for Ontario Power Generation’s Nuclear Waste Management facilities in the areas of safety, operations, and the environment. It also summarizes significant accomplishments achieved during the first quarter of 2023:

Ontario Power Generation operates three nuclear waste facilities across the province located in Darlington, Pickering & Bruce County. Spent fuel taken from the reactors is stored at each facility locally after it has been cooled for 10 years. Low and intermediate level materials are stored at OPG’s Western Waste Management Facility.

A dial graphic indicating "red" for poor performance.0.39 TRIF

A dial graphic indicating "green" for excellent performance.0.0 incidents


Total Reportable Injury Frequency (TRIF)

TRIF is a measure of the number of injuries involving OPG employees that result in a fatality, lost time, restricted work or medical treatment per 200,000 hours worked. Q1 TRIF is at .39 The year-end target is not to exceed 0.20. OPG measures TRIF using a 12-month rolling average, rather than quarterly updates.

Transportation Safety

Experienced and skilled drivers manage the transportation of waste to our Western facility from Darlington, Pickering and Bruce Power. In this quarter, all shipments were made safely and accident-free and the fleet safely travelled 125,000additional kilometres this quarter marking over 6.2 million kilometres safely travelled to-date.

A dial graphic indicating "green" for excellent performance.0 spills


Spills to the environment

There were no spills to the environment at our facilities that were reportable to a regulatory authority. For detailed environmental information, please refer to the environmental data reports available on our Regulatory Reporting page.

A dial graphic indicating "green" for excellent performance.PWMF - 11

A dial graphic indicating "green" for excellent performance.DWMF - 8

A dial graphic indicating "green" for excellent performance.WWMF - 33

Operational Performance

Pickering Waste Management Facility (PWMF)

A total of 11 Dry Storage Containers (DSC) were transferred up to the end of Q1 which was in line with the year-to-date target of 11.

Darlington Waste Management Facility (DWMF)

A total of 8 Dry Storage Containers (DSC) were transferred up to the end of Q1 which was above the year-to-date target of 7.

Western Waste Management Facility (WWMF)

A total of 33 Dry Storage Containers (DSC) were transferred up to the end of Q1 which was above the year-to-date target of 25.

A dial indicating 'red' for poor performance.670.87 m3

Waste Minimization

Through incineration and compaction, a total of 670.87 cubic metres of low-level waste was processed this quarter. This was below the year-to-date target of processing 949.96 cubic metres. The year-end goal is 5,690.00 cubic metres processed.


Please contact Jennifer Knox, Director - Nuclear Stakeholder Relations, through the form below.

Accent: 0dosklq6vgpt

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