Our Stories
June 17, 2021
2 min read

OPG’s Centre for Canadian Nuclear Sustainability driving economic stimulus

The Centre for Canadian Nuclear Sustainability (CCNS) is investing in projects focused on decommissioning and nuclear material management, while boosting the economy and attracting business to the region.

The Centre for Canadian Nuclear Sustainability
The Centre for Canadian Nuclear Sustainability

OPG owns the largest reactor fleet in Canada and will begin the decommissioning phase of Pickering Nuclear Generating Station in the mid-2020s, bringing together industry, community partners, Indigenous communities, academia, and other stakeholders. The goal is to develop sustainable solutions for the end of the nuclear life-cycle and position nuclear technology as the energy source for future generations.

Together with CCNS partners, we are studying Pickering’s Units 2 and 3 to better enable decommissioning planning. These projects will help determine opportunities for cost efficiencies and economic benefits while maintaining safety.

“There is a unique opportunity to study these units ahead of decommissioning as they have been out of service for 20 years and are already in safe storage,” said Carla Carmichael, Vice-President Nuclear Decommissioning Strategy and CCNS Lead. “Similar to Darlington Nuclear Generating Station’s mock-up facility, this type of hands-on training allows workers to get real experience. It will support efficient project planning and the success of this mega-project.”

The CCNS will continue to make new investments over the next year in areas of innovation, research and development, and project management to continue to drive economic growth.

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